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Why in the world would I want to create a blog?

Why in the world would I want to create a blog? I have been asking myself that question a lot ever since my good friend Neil started putting together this web site for me. Maybe I should step back a bit. A few years ago it became possible to register .ca domain names...

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The Extraordinary Tale of Abigail F_

The Extraordinary Tale of Abigail F__ By Wayne Harrison Presenter's Preface The most interesting thing that I can say of myself is that I collect diaries. That is not much to brag of, I will admit. In the current circumstances however it is quite noteworthy as will...

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What is mind? No matter. What is matter? Never mind. Homer Simpson   I have always approached any kind of academic/intellectual endeavour by trying to be organized. Instead of memorizing a bunch of facts that I will probably forget or mix up, I try to look for...

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Examining My Life

The unexamined life is not worth living.Plato: Socrates' Apology Just to be different, I thought that I would wait until my second entry to discuss why I decided to start a blog. The simple reason is that I spend a lot of time thinking and I want to share some of...

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About Wayne Harrison

WayneHarrison.ca is a personal blog where Wayne talks about Wayne stuff.