The unexamined life is not worth living.
Plato: Socrates’ Apology
Just to be different, I thought that I would wait until my second entry to discuss why I decided to start a blog. The simple reason is that I spend a lot of time thinking and I want to share some of those thoughts without boring my wife with them all day.
I don’t know if I think about life more than the average person, but I have always had a philosophical outlook and have tried to work through what I believe in some sort of an organized way. Writing this blog is one tool that I can use to put my thoughts in order.
I have listened to audio courses about philosophy and read various books, but a few years ago I decided that I wanted to get a bit more serious, so I signed up for an online Bachelor of Arts degree program in philosophy. I knew that once I committed to a timeline with exams and a thesis that I would stick to it despite my basically lazy nature. It was a wonderful experience and gave me a good basic grounding in philosophy. Now that I have a bit of a framework to build on I will continue to pursue my interest in philosophy through reading, podcasts and any other avenues.
I first set up my own website,, because, back in the olden days of small internet service providers coming and going, I had to change my email address more than once. Instead, I wanted something that was mine forever. I registered my domain as soon as .ca became available. Once I had a website questions arose about what I would use it for. More than one person suggested a blog, but I didn’t want to start something that I wouldn’t keep up with and I didn’t really know what I had to say. Now that I’m a bit older and have spent some time reading philosophy and writing essays I feel that maybe I have some insights worth sharing. Even if nobody reads them, this will still function as a sort of a diary.
I plan on posting one entry each month. That is a commitment that I think that I can stick to. I have more than enough ideas that can make that work for a few years. Next month I will write about my core philosophical beliefs.
February 2025
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